Thursday, July 17, 2008

Church Family Camp

What could be more fun than a whole bunch of people getting together to camp and enjoy the outdoors? We spent three days at Family Camp over on the Engebretsen Homestead. (The homestead was my Grandparents place when they moved to Alaska. It has now been handed over to their children and it is at my parents place that we have the family camp) There were about 80 people that camped out and more that showed up each day for the activities. The weather wasn't great, but we only got rained on breifly Sunday morning. The activities for everyone included target shooting with 22's and BB guns and clay pigeon shooting with shot guns...that kept the men and boys busy for 3 hours! Tyler got third place with a 22.
There was tie-dying and swirl stones...the kids made LOTs of beautiful rock pictures with hot rocks and melted was a great activity for a camp fire! The kids and adults had alot of fun playing many games of horseshoes. Horse rides for the younger kids was a highlight. River rafting was the main event for the older boys...what could be more fun than playing Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn and guiding a raft down the river?! Some of the younger kids got to join the fun and hitch a ride down the river.

Amidst all the fun activities there was plenty of time for sitting around the campfire and visiting with family and friends! Each evening we had a special speaker for campfire time and then on Sunday we had church in the big shop.
After church Steve baptized Ethan and Tyler in the river...a little chilly, but what great memories!

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