Friday, January 19, 2007

Moaning Cavern

Have you ever been 165 feet below the surface of the earth? If not, then maybe you should go see the Moaning will be an experience you will not forget! It begins with a narrow staircase that descends the first 65 feet then opens up into a large chamber that is big enough to hold the entire Statue of Liberty! One cannot have a fear of heights as you gaze over the edge of the huge chamber. Then you descend another 100 feet inside a steel spiral staircase...once you reach the bottom you have gone down 243 stairs and now you have to climb back up! Our whole family got to enjoy this adventure, even Adams and Alyssum got to climb all those stairs(I think mom and dad were more afraid for them than they were)! Ann Marie, Ethan, and Tyler marveled at the amazing formations of the stalactites hanging from the ceiling and the stalagmites coming up from the floor or sides of the walls. The name of the cavern comes from the sound that is generated by drops of water that fall into bottle shaped holes at the bottom of a formation. On our tour Ethan was the first one to hear these moaning sounds coming from the cavern! Oh, the adventures we are having on this trip!!

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