Sunday, January 21, 2007

Montezuma Castle & Well

On one of our many educational adventures we went to see these Indian ruins. Pictured at left is Montezuma was built into the side of a rock cliff inside of a cave that was already there. They speculate that at least 35 people lived in this home at one time and had to use ladders to come and go from their home. We understand that Arizona has many Indian artifacts and it has been interesting to see some of this history. The kids are always quite fascinated with whatever we go to see and they are learning so much!

Pictured below is Montezuma Well with more of the Indian houses built into the side of the cliffs. It is a natural limestone sinkhole with over 1 million gallons of water a day that flow continuously through the well. With Indian houses lining the inside of the well above the water line they must have used this well for a constant source of water. It is so fun to be learning more of our nations history and in
a more personal and hands-on experience! Sometimes I think being a home school mom that I am learning more than our kids!!


kristen said...
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kristen said...

Sounds like you guys are having lots of fun! I am so happy you did a blog, I was gonna call you and tell you to do one. Tell everyone we said "hi". Oh and stay warm! :)