Saturday, September 27, 2008

Falling from great heights

Since we didn't get any pictures of Tyler in the ambulance or at the hospital we thought we had better at least get a few pictures to remember the miraculous day!

The EMT's cut Tyler's shirt and pants so that they could remove the clothing without moving his arm since his shoulder was hurting him so badly...we all thought it was probably broken. And then his right leg also started really bothering him so they thought maybe it was broken too, but not to be! So now we have two coats, a shirt, and a pair of pants all cut up! Too bad Tyler was wearing all his favorite play clothes to play outside! Tyler wore his camo coat all the and night if I would let him! He had on his camo pants and his carhart coat too. He has taken it well that t
hey are all not wearable anymore, but he has decided we need to make a hat out of his favorite fleece camo coat. The day after the accident I went to the store and bought him a new fleece camo coat, and he was delighted with his new jacket! The pictures of him in his cut up clothing just reminds us of what this accident could have been!

Tyler is standing next to the tree that he slipped and fell 25 feet to the ground. From the base of the tree to the top of the picture is about 25 feet which is where Tyler's feet would have been. Thankfully Tyler doesn't remember falling or even his time on the ground which was about 30 minutes. His memory doesn't pick up until he was about at the hospital. He remembers climbing the tree with Ethan, but that's all. None of us look at that tree the same these days!

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